What happened in Putney during March 2004

All these items appeared in our weekly newsletters during this month - if you like to receive it click here

* Wandsworth Accused of Talking "Bunk" on Rate Capping *
Education and Voluntary Sector Spending Cuts fault of Council say Opposition

* Tony Colman MP writes to Putney *
Council Tax, National No Smoking & Women's Days, Unicef and more...

* Plain clothes Police on District Line *
After concerns grow about assaults on passengers

* Calling all Residents of Housing Estates *
As the Orange recycling system is extended

* Councillor Lister talks to Putney *
an academic academy, the quality of life and airport expansion and more

* Council proposes new Resource Centre at Linden Lodge *
providing up to 21 places for children with special needs

* Leader of the Council fights back! *
at criticism from Putney's MP

* High winds reek havoc at Head of the River *
with the RNLI saving 40 competitors

* Tony Colman MP writes to Putney *
with visiting drummers from Rwanda, reflections on the budget and statistics plus cuts in services

* Opposition accuses Council of talking "bunk" *
blaming cuts in the education and voluntary sectors on spending cuts

If you feel there is a aspect of local life that we haven't given sufficient coverage to, let us know. Most of the articles listed above were not written by us but contributed by local people.

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