What happened in Putney during June 2003

All these items appeared in our weekly newsletters during this month - if you like to receive it click here

* SW Postal Service - officially one of the worst in the UK

* Bronze for Putney Garden designer - McKelveyWise walk away with their second award from Chelsea Flower Show

* Kids cause postal chaos in Roehampton - eleven post boxes were sealed following theft of keys by children.

* New heart monitor for the Animal Hospital - with funds raised by "The Friends"

* Graves in poor state of repair - Council ask families to check the state of any of their ancestors headstones in advance of audit.

Something missing?

If you feel there is a aspect of local life that we haven't given sufficient coverage to, let us know. Most of the articles listed above were not written by us but contributed by local people.

Want to go back further?

Below is a calendar for 2003 - click on the relevant month to see what happened - remember you can't look into the future!

January February March April
May June July August
September October November December