Edward Lister is the Leader of Wandsworth Council and a member for Putney's Thamesfield ward.

Not much cheer for Putney residents from either the Chancellor's
pre-Budget statement or the Queen's Speech.

As one commentator put it - as long as you don't drink, smoke, drive,
move house, have stock market investments and are still in a final
salary pension scheme then you might just be OK.

Meanwhile it was revealed that the Government is planning on forcing up
council tax bills across the country by 16 percent over the next two

And that's without the damage that our spendthrift London Mayor is intent on inflicting on us.

All this is going to make it harder for Wandsworth to keep local bills down to the kind of levels we know residents want.

But there's another threat lurking around the corner - John Prescott's revaluation of council tax bands. This will give the deputy prime minister a free hand to impose new tax bands for higher value properties. This is bound to hit hardest in London where property values are the highest.

It's a hoary old myth that just because you live in a house which is worth a lot of money that this matched by your income. This is one tax raid that you can be sure will be kept away from us until after the next election.

Meanwhile despite the extra money we are all paying there are still no signs of the real improvements in NHS and public transport that we were promised.

With Messrs Brown and Prescott you pay more and you get less - and the future looks more uncertain than ever.

Edward Lister

28th November 2002

Cllr Lister's Diary declares war on fly posters, and draws our attention to Connexions investment in Roehampton.

anti-third runway meeting bonfires and planning alert system.........Cllr Lister's Diary

Busy October 2002..........Cllr Lister's Diary .

Redevlopment of Roehampton Rec, the completion of Ashlone Wharf plus taking up the baton for a link between the Rail station & East Putney Tube........Cllr Lister's Diary .

Local impact of government housing policy, crime and news on Richmond Park...... Cllr Lister's Diary .

New Surgeries - a new ways to meet your councillor plus the Leader expresses his concerns over the news of gun crimes in Putney ..... Cllr Lister's Diary

Jubilee celebrations, the 3 star service offered by Social Services and name change for Lavatory Gardens ...Cllr Lister's Diary.

The state of the NHS in Putney and the fight against night flights ....Cllr Lister's Diary

Pedestrian saftey - especially around schools and Neighbourhood watch .... Cllr Lister's diary


Church cheer, wharf worries and Richmond Park relief - Cllr Lister's diary.

Cllr Lister speaks against the Dryburgh Rd plans, the threat of clsing Pen Ponds to traffic and litter.

The Postal Service, Richmond Park and Council Tax changes are all on Cllr Lister agenda.

Cllr Lister comments on the current planning furore, pigeon mess, cctv and policing.

Cllr Lister writes on Pensioners Freedom Passes, good news re Hotham School, development progress at Ashlone Wharf and aircraft noise from Heathrow Airport.

Recent visit to the Leisure Centre was less than enjoyable - see forum.

Cllr Lister writes on the new school for the area, housing development and Heathrow.

Cllr Lister writes on developments at the Putney School of Art & Design, The Leisure Centre and the excellent league results for local schools.

Tony Colman MP for Putney speaks about current local issues