Post Natal Hypnotherapy Talk & How You Can Benefit

Learn something new & meet some new mums


Tuesday 20th March
10am - 12noon
The Putney Clinic,
266 Upper Richmond Road, Putney SW15 6TQ.  
Please all 07931 547414 to book a space.
Post Natal Hypnotherapy Talk

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.Most people know about Hypnobirthing and how it can help you have a relaxing, and easier birth.  However, it is just as effective after the birth too.

Learn something new and have meet some new mum's at the same time.  Coffee/tea to follow at Artisan Cafe.  All welcome.

Hypnotherapy and how you can benefit: 

Hypnotherapy is a treatment that uses hypnosis to alter the way you feel and think and to change aspects of your life, which need improving or new direction.  Hypnosis is a perfectly natural condition, which we experience every day of our lives, like daydreaming. We drift in and out of a hypnotic state all day long without being aware of it. Under hypnosis, we are capable of making significant changes to our thinking patterns and unlocking unlimited potential to improve and transform our lives.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis – meaning you are in control at all times. A hypnotherapist guides and empowers the client throughout the hypnotic process. This is a focused state of relaxation, in which the subconscious mind can achieve incredible transformations for beneficial purposes.


* Dealing with difficult situations
* Helping with sleep issues
* Post natal blues
* Building self confidence and self esteem
* Improving your health and well being with stress reduction
* Overcoming fears
* Learning a new skill more effectively


March 14, 2012