Wandsworth Veterans Honoured

Jack Adam and Laurie Black presented with Her Majesty’s Forces’ Lapel Badge

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Veterans Badges were introduced in 2004 to promote the recognition of veterans by the wider British public. They are now available to all those who have served in HM Armed Forces - application forms are available at www.veterans-uk.info

For more information of Armed Forces Day go to www.armedforcesday.org.uk


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Two former members of the armed forces, who now work for Wandsworth council, have been honoured for their years of service in defence of the country

Jack Adam and Laurie Black were presented with Her Majesty’s Forces Veterans’ Lapel Badge in the fountain courtyard of the Old Town Hall. The event formed part of the borough’s Armed Forces Day celebrations and was attended by the Pipes and Drums of the London Regiment’s A Company (London Scottish).

Jack Adam spent ten years in the regular army as a Commissioned Officer with the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.

For nine years Laurie Black was in the regular army serving with the Royal Military Police, and spent a further three years as a reserve. As well as collecting his Veterans' Badge, Laurie was presented with a certificate of life membership of the Royal British Legion in recognition of his tireless fundraising on behalf of UK veterans.

The honours were present by Cllr Leslie McDonnell, a serving officer in the Territorial Army and the council’s Armed Forces Champion.

Cllr McDonnell said: “Our support for the men and woman who risk their lives in defence of our country must extend beyond their years in active service. It is once their military careers are over and they come back into civilian life that they are most in need of our assistance and recognition.

“The Veterans’ Badge is a powerful symbol of the high esteem in which we hold former members of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces. Their sacrifices, bravery and commitment are an inspiration to us all and makes them forever worthy of our great respect and admiration.”

Veterans Badges were introduced in 2004 to promote the recognition of veterans by the wider British public. They are now available to all those who have served in HM Armed Forces - application forms are available at www.veterans-uk.info

For more information of Armed Forces Day go to www.armedforcesday.org.uk

July 27, 2010