Health Service in Wandsworth Needs and Future Plans

Hear what is happening in move towards new systems and have your say

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Thursday 18 November at 1 for 1.30 pm
Anchor Church Centre, Garratt Lane, SW18 4DU
(buses 44 & 270 pass the door)


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The Government are proposing sweeping changes for NHS planning and commissioning. Public Health and needs assessment will go to Wandsworth Council: commissioning to GP consortia.

This conference will have as speakers people who will have a key place in the changes, Director of Public Health, Chair of the PEC which could well become the GP consortium buying healthcare for all Wandsworth and chair of LINk which will become Health Watch.

Go along and hear what is happening in the move towards the new systems and have your say on how you want to see the NHS in Wandsworth. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion on what you want to see

There will be refreshments from 1 pm and sound enhancement and a palantypist. Transport can be made available for those with difficulty in using public transport. Please phone Lilias Gillies (020 8672 5592)

The Network is funded by Wandsworth Council to help make the voice of older people heard

November 24, 2010