Wandsworth NHS' Stop Smoking Service says you are four times more likely to quit using their professional help than with willpower alone! Read on to find out all the FREE ways they can help you.
In 2010/11 the Wandsworth NHS Sop Smoking Service helped over 1,300 local people quit smoking.
There are lots of ways they can help you as they have stop smoking advisors in doctors’ surgeries, pharmacies and drop-in clinics across the borough. You can even stop smoking with your colleagues at work by calling them in to run a workplace stop smoking group session.
Call 020 8812 7794 (office hours) or 0800 389 7921 (freephone open 365 days a year) and they’ll give you details of the best clinic for you.
You can also email stopsmoking.team@wpct.nhs.uk.
Visit www.wandsworth.gov.uk for more details and links to apps and other online resources.
January 6, 2012