Still Time To Comment On New School Places Plan | |||
Proposal to expand five local primaries
Parents and residents in the borough still have time to take part in the formal public consultation on plans to provide extra school places at local primaries over the next two years. Members of the public have until Thursday, July 18 to have their say on proposals to expand five local primary schools as part of the statutory consultation. More places are needed to meet the demands of a rapidly expanding school-age population. The latest projections show that the borough will need around 24 additional classes by September 2020 to ensure there are enough places for local children. According to the latest GLA population figures, the number of children being born in the borough rose from 4,359 in 2003 to 5,477 in 2011. As well as a rising birthrate, the economic downturn, coupled with their growing reputation for academic excellence, has led to Wandsworth's schools becoming more popular with parents who may have once considered private education but are now opting into the state system instead. School standards watchdog Ofsted currently rates 92 per cent of Wandsworth schools as good or outstanding. In comparison only an average of 74 per cent of schools in other parts of the country, and 80 per cent in London, have been given the same quality rating by Ofsted inspectors. In order to meet this growing demand from parents, the town hall has drawn up proposals to provide four new reception classes at Hillbrook, Sheringdale, Albemarle and Granard schools from September 2014. An additional class would also be provided at Allfarthing from September 2015. Eight new classes will also be opening this September at the start of the 2013 academic year. This includes those being provided at the borough's three new free schools which are opening this autumn. Details of the proposals can be viewed at local libraries and at the schools concerned. They are also available on the council's website at Responses can be emailed to or posted to Paul Robinson, Director of children's services, Wandsworth Town Hall, London SW18 2PU.