No More Saturday Rubbish Collections! | |||
A reminder that changes to the refuse and recycling arrangements starts 1st April
From that date onwards, collections of refuse and recycling sacks will move from a six day a week operation to five. This means that the collection service will operate between Mondays and Fridays only. Residents in Putney and Roehampton will no longer have their collections on Saturday mornings. The ending of Saturday collections and the move to a new Monday to Friday service means that collection days are changing across the borough. Residents are being strongly advised to check their new collection days by visiting and keying in the name of their street. There are also changes to the way Orange recycling sacks are delivered to resident’s homes. From now on residents will receive a supply of three rolls once a year instead of having one roll delivered four times a year. This is designed to cut delivery costs and reduce levels of wastage. A new fleet of bin lorries with split compartments is also being introduced which will allow the same vehicle to pick up both refuse sacks and orange sacks at the same time. This change will save money in operational costs, reduce traffic congestion on local roads and benefit air quality levels. |