Look Out for Your Golden Ticket | |||
Cash prizes to be won in scheme to encourage recycling
Look out for golden tickets coming through your door soon – they could help you win five thousand pounds. Wandsworth residents who recycle properly could be entered into a prize draw for a cash prize, plus the chance to nominate up to five local community groups to receive £2,500. The Golden Ticket competition is being launched this week by the Western Riverside Waste Authority (WRWA), which is responsible for managing waste disposal and sorting the mixed recycling collected across Wandsworth as well as the London boroughs of Hammersmith and Fulham, Lambeth and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. WRWA has been awarded a government grant for the competition to help give residents of the four boroughs extra motivation to recycle more - and recycle correctly. Wandsworth has welcomed the Golden Ticket prize draw because every extra item recycled saves council tax payers’ money. Increasing recycling by just one per cent would save almost £20,000 a year. Residents will get a book of golden tickets through their door during September. To be in with a chance of winning, all they have to do is put their contact details on a golden ticket and pop it into a clear sack or mixed recycling bank with their clean recycling. Golden tickets found at the WRWA recycling facility at Smugglers Way will be entered into a prize draw. The first draw will be on October 30, with three further draws in December, February and March. Eligible local community organisations that want a chance to be nominated for a community reward must register in advance of the prize draws at www.wrwa.gov.uk/goldenticket. They must confirm that they will encourage their members, supporters and/or other local residents to recycle, and to avoid contaminating their recycling with the wrong materials. Wandsworth’s environment spokesman Cllr Jonathan Cook said: “This prize draw is a great way to get people recycling properly and to reward local groups that encourage their communities to recycle. “It costs a lot less to recycle than it does to throw materials into the dustbin, so the more that is recycled the more our council tax payers’ money is saved to spend on front-line services. I’d encourage everyone to look out for their tickets, and make sure they enter and encourage their favourite local community organisations to register.” Golden Tickets will be delivered to every householdstarting this week and residents will also be able to collect them from libraries, leisure centres and the town hall or print them at home.
September 10, 2015