Wandsworth Parks Contract Awarded | |||
£2.4m a year maintenance deal goes to Quadron
Six companies submitted tenders for the contract to maintain Wandsworth's parks, commons and cemeteries and the contract has been awarded to Quadron, an award-winning grounds maintenance service. The company was selected after impressing the judging panel with the standard of work it carries out in parks on other parts of London and for also offering significant savings for residents. The £2.4m a year maintenance contract represents a saving of £850,000 a year for local taxpayers. The contract will initially be let for eight years, with an option to extend it for four more. If the contract runs for the full 12 year term the total savings for council tax payers in the borough will exceed £10m. In addition to this new contract, which has just come into effect, the council will also be spending £750,000 a year on its tree maintenance contract. The council's environment spokesman Cllr Jonathan Cook said: "We were very impressed with the professionalism and commitment to quality that Quadron have promised and delighted to have been able to secure a very cost effective, value for money deal for our residents. "Wandsworth is famed for its wonderful parks and open spaces and we are very aware of just how special and important they are to local people. This long term agreement will ensure that our green spaces continue to thrive in the years to come." The borough boasts 670 hectares or 1,600 acres of parks, commons and open spaces - the largest proportion for any inner London authority - and almost five times the size of Hyde Park. Last year more than 200,000 bulbs, shrubs and perennials were planted, along with more than 820 trees. There are now more than 60,000 trees growing in local parks and another 15,000 in residential streets.