Now runs until April 26th 2014
Just how dirty were the Tudors?
Which disease washed down the Thames and killed thousands of Londoners in the 1830s?
How much rubbish does Wandsworth generate every second?
Discover the answers to these grimy questions and find out how our ancestors kept themselves and their homes clean at Wandsworth Museum’s upcoming exhibition. Keep It Clean! presents highlights (mainly lowlights, actually…) from the fascinating history of sanitation and hygiene in London, with a particular focus on the Borough of Wandsworth.
Residents of the capital have long complained of the city being dirty and polluted. It is only comparatively recently, starting with the building of the Victorian sewerage system in the 19th century, that the city’s problems with filth have been addressed with any success.
Find out about personal hygiene from the Roman era to the 20th century, the stench and smog of industry, and how the Victorians bathed en masse at Wandsworth’s public baths. An exhibition for all ages!
September 15, 2013