Moped Theft - How To Keep Yours Safe

Wandsworth Police give advice and tips

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Stolen mopeds are usually recovered a few days after going missing, abandoned and often damaged, so now Wandworth Police are recommending various steps to help prevent their theft.

Park in secure, well-lit areas.

At night, preferably park in your front garden, or within view
of your own home. Never park your bike where it is not overlooked by residential properties.

Always lock your bike to a solid object that cannot be moved, such as a security rail, or invest in a good quality ground anchor. These can cost as little as £35 and are easy to install.
They must be fitted into concrete within the confines of your own property. You cannot fit them on a public road or footway. These should then be used in conjunction with a good quality chain & lock.

Fit a combined alarm & immobiliser.

Cover your bike. Thieves will not want to show out by lifting up covers, so will be less likely to show an interest in your bike if it is covered up.

Never leave anything on display.

Employing any of the above security measures will reduce your chances of becoming the victim of motorcycle theft - LOCK IT OR LOSE IT!

If you have any information about criminal activity, particularly concerning motorbikes and mopeds, please contact your Safer Neighbourhood Team or ring Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

May 29, 2012