'Fenton' Owner Lives In Southfields

Global YouTube sensation is a local

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The owner of the black Labrador Retriever who has caused an internet sensation after being filmed chasing deer in Richmond Park, lives in Southfields according to reports in the national press.
Despite his owner’s increasingly alarmed attempts to call him back, Fenton was filmed running after the wild deer in the park. The YouTube clip, which has gone viral and was filmed by a North London teenager, shows the dog chasing deer across the grass and in front of cars although nobody was nobody was hurt.
Yesterday The Telegraph revealed that Fenton’s owner is Editorial Consultant Max Finday. When questioned by the newspaper about the incident Mr Findlay said: "I don't really want to add anything to the zillions of words already out there. I'd rather just leave the story where it is and move on."

Mr Findlay is quoted by friends as saying that he is considering changing his dog's name.

December 14, 2011