Operation Condor Swoops Over Wandsworth

Met Police op to tackle unlicensed activity around the capital

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If you would like to report any unlicensed activity in your area, please call police on 101 with more information or alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800-555-111

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Operation Condor targeted all 32 London boroughs as part of a massive crack-down on licensing issues affecting all our communities.

The 48 hour co-ordinated operation across London proactively targeted all aspects of licensing including pubs and clubs, unlicensed mini cabs, betting shops, driving license fraud the procurement of second hand goods, gambling establishments, benefit fraud, under age selling of alcohol, cigarettes, and knives and much more.

During the course of the 48 hour operation officers from Wandsworth Borough worked on Op Condor, using a range of tactics to bring unlicensed activity to account.

A spokesman for Wandworth Police said:
“Licensing laws are there for good reason as they help protect us from danger. Breaking them is not acceptable. Operation Condor is about keeping our communities safe from harm. In our shops and supermarkets this means people do not sell knives, harmful substances or alcohol to young people; in our pubs and clubs it means that alcohol is sold and consumed in a responsible way, on our roads it means that vehicles, such as taxis are properly licensed and safe.”

There were a total of 140 Officer deployments over the 2 days of the operation and officers worked with partner agencies to deliver nine separate activities:-

•  Scrap Metal Dealers Compliance Checks.
•  Cash Converters & Pawnbrokers Compliance Checks.
•  Underage Sale of Alcohol Test Purchases.
•  Betting Shops & Fast Food Outlets Checks.
•  Pubs, Bars and Clubs Licensing Compliance Checks.
•  Late Night Food Outlet Licensing Compliance Checks.
•  High Visibility Patrols in Entertainment Hubs.
•  Automatic Number Plate Reader checks.
•  Taxi Touting

To see the latest OpCondor pictures please visit www.facebook.com/metpoliceuk

If you would like to report any unlicensed activity in your area, please call police on 101 with more information or alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800-555-111.

February 24, 2012