Wandsworth Tops 'Town Hall Rich List'

Twenty nine Council employees earned over £100,000 in 2012-13

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Taxpayers alliance's Town Hall Rich List 2013

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The Tax Payers' Alliance reports that Wandsworth had the most employees receiving remuneration in excess of £100,000 in London and that the biggest remuneration package was received by Paul Martin, Chief Executive of Wandsworth Council - £274,224.

This was in fact a reduction in the number of employees - in 2011-12 there were 32 employees earning more than than £100,000.

29 top level employees received a bonus ranging from £5,175 to £19,080 paid to Mr Martin.

Mr Martin was the only employee to earn over £200,000, in 2011-12 there were no salaries above £200,000 but in 2012-11 3 employees were earning over £250,000.

The Council has informed us that of the 29 posts included for Wandsworth, 11 have now been deleted, a council spokesman said:
“We have reduced the number of senior managers by 30 per cent and saved more than a million pounds in executive pay since 2010 and that process is continuing. Wandsworth has a proven track record of providing residents with the best value for money services of any local authority in the country. We have one of the highest residents' satisfaction approval ratings while our council tax is half the London average and has been the lowest in the whole UK for the past 20 years."

Name Job Title Remuneration in 2012-13 2011-12
Salary Expenses Bonus For loss of office Employer pension Contributions Excluding pension contributions 2012-13
Mr. R. J. Langridge Assistant Director (Engineering Services) 118,479 2,195 10,129 0 24,852 130,803 155,655 150,862
Ms S. Manchanda Assistant Director (Planning and Environmental Services) 111,538 0 5,175 0 22,176 116,713 138,889 130,256
Mr. S. G. Mayner Assistant Director of Administration (Professional Services) 126,626 2,667 9,217 0 26,317 138,510 164,827 172,270
Mr. P. Watson Assistant Director of Administration (Support and Democratic Services) 125,294 3,880 11,066 0 26,646 140,240 166,886 161,744
Mr. A. D. Rush  Assistant Director of Adult Social Services 97,599 0 8,068 0 20,076 105,667 125,743 122,494
Mr. J. A. Johnson Assistant Director of Children's Services (Standards and Schools) 109,350 2,080 8,313 0 22,751 119,743 142,494 139,100
Mr. P. M. McCue Assistant Director of Environment and Community Services 126,626 2,449 11,143 0 26,641 140,218 166,859 166,560
Mr. P G. Robinson Assistant Director of Environment and Community Services 89,902 2,228 11,079 156,271 2,105 259,480 261,585 170,940
Mr. G. Llywelyn Roberts Assistant Director of Technical Services (Environmental and Community Safety) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 162,119
Mr. R. W. Persey Assistant Director Older People and SPD 104,729 1,875 8,552 0 21,880 115,156 137,036 135,536
Mr. M. Benaim Assistant Director, Children's Specialist Services 107,616 0 8,255 0 22,015 115,871 137,886 125,134
Ms. S Harty Assistant Director, Planning & Resources 94,093 650 6,077 0 19,155 100,820 119,975 0
Mr. E. S. Dunkling Assistant Director, Young People and Learning 97,071 0 7,195 0 19,810 104,266 124,076 121,763
Mrs. M. Whitbread  Assistant Head of Environmental Services 90,131 3,880 7,620 0 19,310 101,631 120,941 0
Mr. M. B. A. Walker Borough Solicitor 130,684 2,666 10,510 0 27,333 143,860 171,193 171,124
Mr. G. R. Clark  Borough Valuer and Estates Surveyor 99,029 2,891 7,810 0 20,849 109,730 130,579 126,980
Mr. D. P. Martin Chief Executive and Director of Administration 209,340 2,020 19,080 0 43,784 230,440 274,224 254,880
Mr. C. P. White  Deputy Borough Solicitor 112,239 2,019 7,718 43,457 23,175 165,433 188,608 133,586
Ms M. E. Evans Deputy Director of Childrens' Services 124,426 1,098 9,456 0 25,646 134,980 160,626 161,052
Mr. B. L. Reilly Deputy Director of Housing 125,294 1,941 10,629 0 26,194 137,864 164,058 159,158
Ms D. L. Warwick Director of Adult Social Services 155,231 900 13,914 0 32,309 170,045 202,354 196,293
Mr. P. A. Robinson  Director of Childrens' Services 162,806 2,744 14,680 0 34,232 180,230 214,462 214,252
Mr. A. G. McDonald Director of Environment and Community Services 137,639 2,686 11,240 0 28,647 151,565 180,212 161,643
Mr. C. J. Buss Director of Finance and Deputy Chief Executive 185,913 2,599 17,040 0 39,054 205,552 244,606 238,787
Mr. R. Evans Director of Housing 161,656 2,744 14,156 0 34,232 178,556 212,788 206,651
Mr. P. G. Brennan  Director of Leisure and Amenity Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 204,205
Mr. J. M. Brook Economic Development Officer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136,601
Mr. E. D. Jarvis Head of Corporate Finance 26,100 634 6,175 0 6,252 32,909 39,161 133,291
Mr. D. C. Erridge  Head of Corporate Human Resources 4,587 0 8,416 0 2,375 13,003 15,378 122,565
Mr. J.C. Cornish Head of Design Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121,468
Mr. D. R. Tidey Head of IT and Business Communications 112,588 2,143 9,306 0 23,567 124,037 147,604 142,297
Miss E. M. Rees  Head of Policy 8,813 0 8,212 0 3,133 17,025 20,158 124,477
Mr. K. Legg Head of Revenue Services 96,259 0 7,633 0 19,838 103,892 123,730 120,989
Mr. A. A. Pike Head of Technical and Programming 97,808 1,067 8,242 0 20,352 107,117 127,469 123,710
Ms. H. Fisher Nine Elms Programme Director 112,200 0 0 0 21,318 112,200 133,518 0

8th August 2014