Wandsworth People Among UK's Healthiest

And with highest proportion of 30-44 year olds in UK

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The typical Wandsworth resident is likely to be a well-educated, healthy, 32-year-old professional who gets the tube to work, latest figures from the 2011 census show.

Wandsworth people are amongst the healthiest in the country and they are more likely to be economically active and well-qualified.

More statistics have been released from the census, following initial results last summer which showed that a rise in the birthrate and an increase in net migration gave Wandsworth the fourth largest population increase in London over the last ten years.

Ninety-two per cent of residents filled in their Census return - up from 89 per cent in 2001 and the highest response rate in inner London outside the City. This is good news because it means service planning and levels of government grant can be based on far more accurate data.

Figures in the latest round of data to be released include:

  • The average age of the Wandsworth population is 32, compared to the England average of 39.
  • Wandsworth has the highest proportion of 30-44 year olds in the country. Trend data suggests young adults choose to stay in the borough as they get older.
  • Wandsworth ranked second highest nationally after Kensington and Chelsea for the proportion of residents who say their health is very good - 57 per cent compared with 51 per cent in London and 47 per cent in England and Wales.
  • Between 2001 and 2011 there was a 38 per cent increase in the number of people reporting themselves to be in good health.
  • 71 per cent of residents are white, compared to 60 per cent in London and 86 per cent nationally.
  • The number of Asian/Asian British residents (11 per cent) was greater than the national average (8 per cent), but significantly less than the regional average (18 per cent).
  • The proportion of Black/African/Caribbean/Black British residents (11 per cent) was greater than the national average (3 per cent), but less than the proportion across London (13 per cent).
  • 45 per cent of Wandsworth's residents consider their national identity to be wholly or partly English - slightly over the London average.
  • 34 per cent were born outside the UK and Ireland , compared with 35 per cent in London and 13 per cent nationally.
  • Wandsworth contains five per cent of all the people living in England and Wales who have a passport issued in Antarctica and Oceania (which includes Australia and New Zealand ). They make up 3.5 per cent of Wandsworth's population.
  • 54 per cent of residents had Level 4 qualifications and above (degree level or higher) - the second highest proportion nationally outside the City of London .
  • Between 2001 and 2011, the number of residents with Level 4 qualifications and above increased by 42 per cent.
  • 71 per cent were employed, compared with 62 per cent nationally. Just over half - 51 per cent - of employed people work in professional and associate professional and technical occupations compared to 30 per cent in England and Wales . This ranks Wandsworth seventh nationally.
  • Between 2001 and 2011, there was a 90 per cent increase in the number of residents employed in professional occupations.
  • More than half (54 per cent) are single - the ninth highest figure in the country. Fifteen per cent are co-habiting couples - the eighth highest in the country.
  • Wandsworth also has the tenth highest proportion living in same-sex civil partnerships.
  • 35 per cent travel to work by train or underground, and the borough has the eleventh highest proportion nationally of people who cycle to work.

See www.wandsworth.gov.uk/census for more information.

Leader of the council, Ravi Govindia, said: "Thanks to everyone who filled in their census form, we have a good snapshot of our population, and can continue to work to create the healthiest, most prosperous and most vibrant borough we can for them.

"The figures vindicate our belief that to create a stronger Wandsworth we need to focus our attention on creating more school places and continually improving the performance of our schools, attracting inward investment - especially in the Nine Elms regeneration area - in order to create more homes and job opportunities for local people and to improve our transport network

"We know that some parts of the borough are not as wealthy as others, and we are working to ensure all our residents have the same chance to be healthy and get on in life. We are regenerating neighbourhoods in Roehampton and Battersea and improving housing stock, and are working with our new public health colleagues to target health inequality."

February 5, 2013