Census Reveals Population Rise In Wandsworth | |||
2011 Census shows 18 per cent increase in decade
Wandsworth’s population has increased by 18 per cent since 2001 to 307,000, Census results show. The first wave of data from the 2011 Census reveals that a rise in the birthrate and an increase in net migration has given Wandsworth the fourth largest population increase in London over the last ten years. The borough again has the UK 's highest proportion of 25-39 year olds. Almost four in ten of borough residents fall into this age category. There has also been a 30 per cent increase in the amount of under-fives - there are far more pre-schoolers living in the borough than there are people in their late 40s. Ninety-two per cent of residents filled in their Census return - up from 89 per cent in 2001 and the highest response rate in inner London outside the City. This is good news because it means service planning and levels of government grant can be based on far more accurate data. Council leader Ravi Govindia said the results show the council is right to focus on providing more school places, encouraging more home building, improving transport links and attracting outside investment into regeneration and employment. "The population is 17,400 more than was estimated in 2010, so it's vital that we continue to invest in our infrastructure and provide the schools and homes that hard-working young families need. "This larger-than-expected increase does present us with challenges, but it also shows that Wandsworth is a borough where people want to live, and where they want to bring up their children. "I'd like to thank everyone who filled in their census and all the local community groups that helped us get the message out about the importance of getting accurate data." More detailed figures will be released in November. In the meantime, over all results are available at www.wandsworth.gov.uk/census.