Expansion Of Putney Constituency Proposed | |||
In recommendations from the Boundary Commission
The overhaul which has seen 90% of London's Westminster constituencies having their boundaries has provided mixed news for sitting local MPs. The report for further afield in the borough continued: Streatham and Tooting constituency that contains four Lambeth wards and four Wandsworth wards, a Battersea and Vauxhall constituency that contains four Lambeth wards and four Wandsworth wards, and a Clapham Common constituency that contains three Lambeth wards and five Wandsworth wards. The remaining eight Lambeth wards are included in our proposed Brixton constituency".
The Boundary Commission for England reviews Parliamentary constituency boundaries every five years. In this review they were aiming to standardise the electorate of constituencies hence the large number of changes to existing boundaries. The rules contained in new legislation state that every constituency in England (except two covering the Isle of Wight) must have an electorate of between 72,810 and 80,473 - that is 5% either side of the electoral quota of 76,641. The new constituencies are likely to be the ones used for the next election which is currently expected to be in 2015. They are consulting on their initial proposals for a 12-week period, from 13 September 2011 to 5 December 2011. They are encouraging everyone to contribute to the design of the new constituencies. There will also be public hearings to discuss the changes. The London region comprises the 32 London boroughs and the City of London. The region currently has 73 constituencies but this will fall to 68 if the new proposals are adopted. The consultation website will be at www.consultation.boundarycommissionforengland.independent.gov.uk. This contains reports and maps, the electorate sizes of every ward and an online facility where you can have your say on the initial proposals. You can also contribute to the consultation by writing directly to: BoundaryCommission for England, 35 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BQ. Or email london@bcommengland.x.gsi.gov.uk.