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For an informal discussion contact Ellie Boorer, 07798 571918 Wandsworth WISE.
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Wandsworth WISE (Working and Investing in Skills and Education,) a Wandsworth Borough initiative, is offering local businesses help with hiring an apprentic.
Apprentices are typically 16-24 years old, eager to learn and work towards a national vocational qualification alongside their daily duties.
WISE can offer:
- £3,000 cash back for employing an apprentice aged 16-24
- Free apprenticeship training for an Apprentice
- Free advertising on the National Apprenticeship Scheme website
- Free recruitment & selection process
What WISE expects:
- Employment of the apprentice for a minimum of 12 months
- That the apprentice is paid a minimum of £2.65 per hour
- Apprentices must work a minimum of 30 hours
- An agreement to release the apprentice for training
Apprenticeships are available for:
Administration Sales Solicitors Accounts Reception
Estate Agents Nurseries Children Centres Schools IT
Doctor’s Surgery Hairdressers Support Desk Call Centre Hotel
This offer is subject to eligibility and places are limited.