Number of Violent Crimes in Wandsworth Soars

Police figures show rise of nearly 30% over the last year

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Violent crime in Wandsworth has risen by 29.2% over the last year according to figures published by Metropolitan Police.

The rise means an additional 1,184 violent crimes in the borough over the last twelve months rising from 4,056 in 2012/13 to 5,240 in 2013/14.

Across London, violent crime is up by 24% with 35,330 additional crimes across the whole of London and rises in every borough.

The Metropolitan Police have previously said increased reporting of domestic violence and reclassification of crimes may account for the rise yet the increase in domestic violence reports in the last 12 months accounts for only a third of the overall violent crime rise across London.

Wandsworth Borough Commander Richard Smith said: “Wandsworth borough, and London as a whole, has experienced a rise in the number of crimes recorded in relation to violence. Whilst our research indicates that this increase is likely to be attributable to improved recording practices, we are none-the-less determined to reduce incidents of violence whenever possible.

Fiona Twycross AM, Labour Londonwide Assembly Member, said: “If this had been a dramatic change in recording we would expect to see a one off spike. Instead what we are seeing is a worrying trend developing with overall violent crime across most categories on the up.

“Violent crime includes some of the most serious and worrying offences and people in Wandsworth are right to be concerned. The Mayor of London needs to see the jump in violent crime for what is, not a statistical anomaly but a growing problem he should be actively addressing.”

The police say that analysis has been conducted to identify the optimum times and locations to deploy police resources to deter acts of violence and prevent offences and in mid-October, the Met police launched Operation Equinox which is due to run until end March. This aims to protect victims and bring to justice those who commit violent crime by working in partnership with London local authorities and other statutory and non-statutory organisations including licensed venues. Since the launch of the operation, Wandsworth residents may have noticed an increase in visible policing presence at certain times of the day and in particular locations where officers can best deter crime and provide reassurance.

The Labour party say that the spike in violent crime comes after years of cuts to police resources with the latest figures showing the number of uniformed police and PCSOs in Wandsworth has fallen by 123 officers since the last General Election in May 2010.

Richard Smith said, “Wandsworth remains one of the safest places in central London and we continue to work hard to keep it that way.”


January 26, 2015