Independent Councillor 'Vindictively' Sacked?

Malcolm Grimston's surprise that he is off Council's committees following his resignation

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Councillor Malcolm Grimston, who recently resigned from the Conservative Group on Wandsworth Council in order to fight secret plans to close Southfields Library, today learned that he has been sacked from the Finance Committee on which he sat and will now be without a place on any of the Council’s main committees.

Councillor Grimston said: "I discovered this when I saw today’s papers for the Council meeting. Of course I expected to be punished for expressing a different point of view and supporting our public services. But it looks rather vindictive to replace someone who is willing to offer challenge to the powers that be with a reliable supporter. The Council leadership is determined to crush all serious scrutiny and make sure that everyone toes the party line quietly. At present they have the power to do this. Whether it is wise to exclude alternative points of view in this way is a different matter.”

A spokesman for the council told PutneySW15: "Councillor Grimston's decision to resign from the Conservative group and serve as an independent councillor means that committee seats must be reallocated to properly reflect the varying strengths and standings of each of the parties elected to the council. Cllr Grimston's allocation reflects the fact that the council now has one independent councillor and 59 others in the two main political groups."

Councillor Grimston sits as an Independent Councillor and has represented West Hill Ward in Southfields for over 20 years.

October 15, 2014