Wandsworth Teachers Urged Not To Strike | |||
Teachers' unions vote for strike on 30th November
Members of the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) – along with other unions representing teachers – have voted in favour of strike action that day, which is likely to cause widespread local school closures. Wandsworth Council’s cabinet member for education and children’s services, Councillor Kathy Tracey, said: “And I have no doubt working parents will be saddened by the prospect of school closures, particularly because they may be forced to make potentially costly childcare arrangements should this happen.” Schools are expected to issue relevant news alerts to parents via their individual websites in order to let them know what impact any industrial action will have. There is also a text messaging facility which can be used to communicate instantly with parents should a school closure be announced at the last minute. If you have a question about schools and education in Wandsworth, call the council on 020 8871 6000 or visit www.wandsworth.gov.uk/info/100005/education_and_learning
November 22, 2011 |