Drop-In Advice And Enrolment Sessions At South Thames College

From teenagers continuing their studies to adults taking up a new hobby, come along on our Monday open days for more information

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South Thames College

South Thames College is delighted to offer advice and enrolment sessions every Monday this summer. Visit our Wandsworth or Merton campus between 10am-3pm any Monday until the 22 August.

South Thames has a range of courses to suit you whether it’s organising your teenager’s place for September, passing that old maths GCSE, or simply taking up a new hobby like wine tasting (any excuse!) Either way, South Thames has lots of options for you and your family. Come along to one of our sessions to find out more.

If you or your teenage is aged between 16-18 please bring a copy of your most recent school/college report. This will help interviewing staff discuss or identify any support you may require.

July 19, 2011