Secondary School Applications Must Be Submitted By Friday

For September 2015 entry

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Parents have just seven days left to submit their applications if they want to secure a place at a secondary school next September.

The closing date to make applications for the September 2015 intake is now just one week away on Friday, October 31.

This crucial deadline applies to children who were born between September 1, 2003 and August 31, 2004.

Parents can find out how to apply by reading the council’s 'Choose a Wandsworth Secondary School' brochure.

The brochure and other helpful information about the application process can be found at This is the same web address that parents and carers should use to make an online application. The council strongly recommends that parents make an online application if they can.

Copies of the brochure can also be obtained by emailing or by telephoning (020) 8871 7316. Staff on that number can also help with any other queries parents and carers may have. 

Parents who submit their school choices before next week’s deadline will be told the outcome at the beginning of March next year.

The council’s cabinet member for education Cllr Kathy Tracey said: “We would strongly advise parents to read our brochure as it contains a wealth of information about local schools and offers a step-by-step guide on how to make an application. It also contains important information about the admissions criteria for each of the borough’s secondary schools.

"Parents can apply to up to six schools in any part of London, but we would always urge them to include at least one that is close to home."

October 28, 2014