Putney Pupils Celebrate Stunning A Level Results

Putney High girls do their school proud

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Putney High School is celebrating today after one third of all A Level entries achieved the new A* grade. Of the 59 girls who sat A Levels at Putney this summer, almost two thirds earned A*s or As in at least three – and in some cases five – subjects.

Amongst those celebrating are two sets of twins, Hannah and Olivia Singh, and Emily and Fiona Walport, all 18. Emily is now off to Oxford to read Material Science while her sister Fiona will study Civil Engineering at London’s Imperial College. Emily earned three A*s and one A while Fiona secured one A* and three A grades. The Singh sisters will also be going their different ways for the first time – with Hannah reading Chemistry at Imperial and Olivia off to Exeter to study Mathematics with Economics. Both achieved three A grades.

Six Putney students are going to Oxford or Cambridge Universities. Another, Francoise Meier is heading to New York University to read Liberal Arts while Henrietta Wake will study Music at the prestigious Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.

Amy Yates, who scooped three A grades, is using a gap year to take up the opportunity of an internment with Accenture, after earning the place amidst much competition nationwide.

In all, 73 per cent of all results were A* or A grade, with 91 per cent of entries achieving A* - B grades. Subjects with 100 per cent A* or A grades include Classical Civilisation, Geography, German, Latin, Music and Religious Studies. In English Literature, almost half of all entries received the A* grade and 84 per cent achieved A* or A. In Art, more than 80 per cent of entries received the A* grade.

Headmistress, Dr Denise Lodge, said today: “As well as these outstanding A Level results, we are delighted that almost half of all our Extended Projects were awarded an A* and 70 per cent were awarded an A* or A grade. 

“Through A Levels, the Extended Project and a wide range of extra-curricular activities, our students are encouraged to develop their study skills, stretch themselves – and have fun. We are particularly pleased to achieve such results as Putney prepares to open a state-of-the-art new Sixth Form Centre."

August 18, 2011