Police Officer In Court On Voyeurism And Misconduct Charges

Daniel Williams is a detective constable in Wandsworth

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Daniel Williams, a detective constable on Wandsworth Borough, appeared this week (4th February) at Southwark Crown Court charged with three counts of voyeurism and two counts of misconduct in public office. He was bailed to appear again at the same venue on 25 February for a plea and case management hearing.

The voyeurism charges relate to allegations that he spied on guests in their rooms at two hotels, the Mandolay Hotel in Guildford and Jury's Inn in Milton Keynes.

One count of misconduct is for causing or inciting prostitution for financial gain, the other is for concealing criminal proceeds.

The misconduct charges he faces charges relating to using a police computer to run unauthorised checks.

The 36-year-old police officer who lives in Clarendon Drive, Putney and is based at Tooting has previously denied the charges.

DC Williams was arrested on October 8th last year and is currently suspended from duty.

Beatrice Noakes, 21, of Colchester was also arrested on October 8th as part of the same operation by the Directorate of Professional Standards Anti-Corruption Command. She will also appear on bail for a plea and case management hearing charged with three counts of causing or inciting prostitution for financial gain.

February 5, 2015