A Letter From the New Metropolitan Police Commissioner |
Total Policing to prevent crime, target offenders and care for victims
Dear Londoners, It is my intention to build on public trust in the Met and lead a service that criminals will fear, and you will be proud of. As Commissioner, I have three simple aims: I want us to cut crime, cut costs, and continue to develop the culture of the organisation, and to do all that based on the simple but important values of humility, transparency and integrity. I want us to do what I call Total Policing - that will mean preventing crime wherever we can, doing everything possible to target offenders when crime does happen, and ensuring that we properly look after victims. You can help us make London safer. If you tell us information about people carrying weapons, I want you to be able to hold me to account so in the first 100 days as Commissioner I want To: 1) Roll out more widely our programme to tackle gangs into 14 boroughs. 2) Lead a drive to seize uninsured vehicles, as we know that it is often criminals who fail 3) Introduce a scheme whereby every month the whole of the Met will focus on tackling I want you to be able to tell me what is working and what you want us to do better. I will be I’m very proud to be your Commissioner and I am very proud of the men and women in the Yours sincerely Bernard Hogan-Howe October 14, 2011 |