London Green Party Welcomes Mayor’s “U-turn” on 20mph | |||
20mph to become default speed limit by 2020
The London Green Party has welcomed the news announced last Friday that almost all residential roads and high streets in London will have 20 mph speed limits by 2020. The party is calling on Mayor Johnson to take the proposals forward as speedily and comprehensively as possible. The announcement was made by Isabel Dedring, the Mayor of London’s Environment Advisor. Ms. Dedring is leading a Roads Taskforce charged with improving road safety and the quality of public spaces in London. One of the proposals on the table would see the introduction of 20mph limits on almost all roads inside the M25. The news has been welcomed by Green Party activists in London who have long been campaigning for 20mph limits to become the norm throughout the Capital. They argue that 20mph limits not only save lives but also reduce pollution and congestion thereby creating a far more pleasant environment that can encourage more people to walk and cycle. Caroline Russell, a spokesperson for the London Green Party, said: “We’re delighted to hear that the Mayor is coming round to our side and seeing the huge benefits that 20mph speed limits can bring. Introducing this small change would not only reduce the number and severity of collisions, it would also cut noise and air pollution making our streets more pleasant for cyclists and pedestrians”. “What we want to ensure, however, is that the Mayor takes this forward robustly. To make a positive difference we need to see area wide 20mph limits, not just small zones with slower speeds at dangerous junctions. We call on the Mayor to prove his commitment by launching an early trial of his new vision of a 20mph city in one London borough. Islington would make an ideal trial site as the Council has already implemented 20mph limits on all its main and residential roads. The many people living, working and running businesses on the mayor’s roads in Islington such as the Holloway Rd have an equal right to benefit from a more people-friendly streetscape where journeys on foot or by bike are both pleasurable and safe.” June 13, 2013 |