More Cash To Attack Potholes | |||
Council receives a £164,000 Government boost to support its ongoing repair work
Over the past 12 months the council has fixed more than 17,000 potholes and broken paving stones as part of a concerted blitz on road and footpath defects. The year-long campaign, which was launched following the severe winter of 2012/13, saw the council pour an extra £2m into the repairs bill – bringing the total budget up to £6.4m. Now Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin has awarded the borough an additional £164,000 to help pay for the damage caused by this winter’s torrential downpours. Transport spokesman Cllr Jonathan Cook said:
The council is responsible for maintaining 1,500 roads in total – comprising 230 miles of road surfaces and 460 miles of pavements. The footpaths alone are long enough to stretch to Liverpool and back. June 27, 2014 |