High Rises and Overdevelopment in Putney

The Putney Society asks: Is this what you want Putney to be like in the future?

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Over the last two years Putney Society has held a number of well-attended public "Members Meetings" on the subject of building development in Putney. On each occasion the membership has demonstrated overwhelmingly that, whilst they are keen to see redevelopment of many of the tired office blocks, particularly on the Upper Richmond Road, they do not want to see excessive height, mass and cramming of developments that change the character of the area. 

Why are we writing to you now?

Three planning applications have been submitted to Wandsworth Council and are currently undergoing public consultation. 

These three redevelopment applications are for sites on the Upper Richmond Road (all within the defined Putney town centre), which are of huge significance to us all as Putney residents. They all involve the erection of tall buildings, much higher than the present buildings on the sites: twice as high in one case. The council has identified some six other sites in Putney town centre which could, in the next few years, be the subject of similar proposals. These include Jubilee House/cinema, the Monserrat Rd telephone exchange, the block occupying the south corner of Putney High Street / Putney Bridge Road and the block including the TK Maxx store. If these current planning applications are approved, the precedent will be set and our town centre can expect to see more such tall buildings built.  

Is this what we want Putney to be like in the future?  

The applications are:

1.    Tileman House, 131-133 Upper Richmond Road

       Planning application No 2010/4520. Public consultation ends on 23rd February 2011

       The new building would rise to 11-storeys in height.

2.    Putney Place, 84-88 Upper Richmond Road

       Planning application No 2010/5483. Public consultation ends on 28th February 2011

       A group of four new buildings, one rising to 15-storeys in height.

3.   The Capstick's site, 77-83 Upper Richmond Road

      Planning application No 2011/0054. Public consultation ends on 7th March 2011

      Two new buildings, one rising to 13-storeys in height.

The Society's Buildings Panel has studied these planning applications in great detail.  We are concerned that, in each case, the proposals are an over-development, crowding too much onto the site, the buildings are too tall and out of scale with their neighbours and that the number of new flats would produce demands that have a damaging impact on the local infrastructure.

The Society feels that the general character and appearance of Putney would be harmed by redevelopments of this scale. The Society has, therefore, objected to the applications.

What do we suggest you do?

In view of the strong sentiment amidst Society members, we are writing to you to highlight the short window of opportunity for you to add your own voice to the public consultation, on each of these three applications, by writing/emailing Wandsworth Council. If you have internet access you can find the Society's letters of objection on our website under the Issues section: www.putneysociety.org.uk/issues

Please write to the Borough Planner, Technical Services Dept, Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street, SW18 2PU.  Please quote the addresses and reference numbers (above), and give your reasons for writing.  Or, email with your views to:  planningapplications@wandsworth.gov.uk  

Ideally, you should write separately on each planning application for your view to be counted. You must include your own name and address in your communication.

Together, we can help to ensure that the redevelopment schemes, which we accept are going to take place, are of a scale, character and quality which will enhance Putney and make it a better place in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Carolyn McMillan


John Horrocks

Buildings Panel Convenor


February 21, 2011