Deadline for comments on updated planning application 20th May
Following 600 objections to the last set of plans, a revised planning application was submitted on the 30th April for development at the front and rear of the restaurant - (Planning Application Number 2014/7090).
Pam & Giuseppe Turi have sent in their objection by email and post. Any further objections or comments should be submitted by Wednesday 20th May. New Drawings
Pam & Giuseppe believe that: "Aesthetically nothing significant has changed, and this new construction does not adequately address the need for any extension to relate appropriately to the character of existing buildings on Weimar Street. As regards our restaurant premises, in these new plans, 24 sq m has been taken out of the kitchen, (as opposed to the 19 sq m previously).
"To compensate for this loss of ground floor space, a mezzanine has been built on the back area with stair access descending in the middle. This mezzanine, although it compensates for the loss of floorspace, will diminish the viability of the premises and its use as a fine dining restaurant, as it will lower an already low ceiling, This makes the premises less viable for any future tenant.
Pam Turi told PutneySW15: "The new premises will only be large enough for a 55-60 cover restaurant (a loss of 30 covers) and this will result in reduced employment on this site. We very much want to continue to be part of the Putney community, but feel that if this plan is passed, we will be unable to run a high quality restaurant on this site.
One recent comment opposing the development pointed out that: "
With the average survival duration of a London restaurant being less than 3 years, the multi decade tenure of Enoteca Turi is something that should be of significant note to the Council."
Many of the comments so far point out that the proposal does not sit aesthetically in the area -
"The proposed development is wholly unsympathetic to the character of the conservation area..."
If you wish to let the council know your views please click here.
May 20, 2015