Outstanding GCSE Results at Latymer Upper School

Including winning twins Alp and Yigit scoring 15 A*s and 5As

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Students at Latymer Upper School are celebrating an outstanding set of GCSE results.

92% of grades were at A*/A, and more than 68% were at A*.  Students performed incredibly well in the core subjects: 97% of maths papers were graded A*/A.

27 students were awarded at least 10 A*s many, such as Sophie Holmes - a promising rower, whilst achieving success in a whole range of extra-curricular activities.

63 students gained 9 or more A*s and 85 students gained 8 or more A*s which is more than half the year group.

Twins, Alp and Yigit Ergin, clocked up 15 A*s and 5 grade As between them!

Head, David Goodhew says: “My warmest congratulations to Year 11 on their spectacular GCSE results – over 1000 A* grades!

" I am so pleased for the pupils, who have worked hard to do so well, and their teachers, who have inspired and cared for them.

" This academic success is a fitting companion to their accomplishments throughout the year in sport, music, drama and art. I am excited to see what they will go on to achieve in the Sixth Form, and beyond!"

This follows equally excellent results at A Level for Latymer Upper students. Over 70% of all results were A* and A grades, with over 30% at A*. Over 100 students took four A Levels or more, and the average UCAS points per candidate was equivalent to over three A* grades per student.

August 13, 2015