The health of people in Wandsworth shows a mixed picture according to the latest Health Profiles, which are produced annually by the Association of Public Health Observatories and give a snapshot overview of health for every local authority in England.
Life expectancy for women is worse than the average for England, as are rates of early death from heart disease, cancer and stroke. Life expectancy for men who live in the least deprived parts of the borough is more than six years higher than for men who live in the most deprived parts. For women the difference is nearly five years.
Over the last ten years death rates for men and women, from all causes, have fallen in the borough, although they have remained consistently higher than the England average.
Nearly 13,000 children live in poverty in Wandsworth and the teenage pregnancy rate is worse than the national average. However the infant death rate in Wandsworth is better than the England average and although one in five adults smoke - healthy eating, obesity and smoking levels are better than average. Levels of smoking in pregnancy and breastfeeding are also better than average.
This year’s Health Profile also identifies premature mortality, excess winter deaths, teenage pregnancy and tuberculosis as worse than average. Violent crime and homelessness, both of which have a negative effect on health, are also highlighted as relatively high.
Wandsworth has a population of 284,000 and contains some of the most, and some of the least, deprived areas in England.
July 13, 2010