Honorary Chief Steward Honoured By Rankin At Wimbledon 2010 |
Putney man joins the many faces in the HSBC Rankin Gallery
This is HSBC's third year of association with the Wimbledon Championships, this year in 2010, they have commissioned top British portrait and fashion photographer Rankin, to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the classic 1980 Gentlemen’s Singles Final between John McEnroe and Bjorn Borg.That final was one of the most electrifying tennis matches in Wimbledon history and saw the longest ever tie-break played on the lawn of SW19. Rankin also captured images of those at the AELTC who are instrumental in making the tournament happen. Here you can learn more about the team who work hard behind the scenes all year to make sure that, for a fortnight every summer, SW19 is the best place to watch tennis in the world... and amongst those faces is Chief Steward & Putney resident Andrew Gairdner. He joins famous faces such as Bjorn Borg & John Inverdale and the less faces from behind the scenes such as Dan Bloxham the Head Coach at the AELTC and the Head Groundsman Eddie Seaward.
Rankin commented: HSBC invited John McEnroe and HSBC Ambassador Bjorn Borg back to the grass of SW19 to re-create some of the magic from the 1980 final in the HSBC Champions Challenge. Rankin’s images plus other photography showing all the excitement from this year’s event, along with some iconic pictures from the 1980 final, can be viewed at www.wimbledon.org/hsbc. Rankin’s images will also be on display in the queue and HSBC has created a Snap Booth, so tennis fans can create their own memorable Wimbledon photos. Members of the public will be able to download their Snap Booth pictures by entering a unique code on the Wimbledon website. June 21, 2010 |