Poignant Account of a 17th Century Putney-Based Charity That Survived Into The 1950s

Wandsworth Historian journal publishes the latest research into Wandsworth’s past

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A poignant account of a seventeenth-century Putney-based charity that survived into the 1950s, the touching memoires of a local lad growing to maturity in 1930s Battersea, and an inspirational assessment of some of Wandsworth’s meritocrats by the acclaimed historian, Professor Penelope Corfield. These are only a few of the features in the Autumn 2013 issue of the Wandsworth Historian (ISSN 1751-9225), the journal that brings you the latest research into Wandsworth’s past.

Frederick Johnson, Battersea Polytechnic student and holder of the Victoria Cross (from a cigarette card issued by Gallaher’s in 1916.)

Other items include a note on the opening of the Wandle Valley railway viaduct in 1846, and a review of a recent book on the Battersea Polytechnic students who fought and died in the First World War. And as this is the Wandsworth Historical Society’s sixtieth anniversary, inserted in every copy of the magazine is a special supplement entitled ‘Wandsworth in 1898’, a bonus item that cannot fail to fascinate anyone interested in the history of the Wandsworth area in Victorian times.

The Wandsworth Historian is published by the Wandsworth Historical Society, and copies are available price £3.00 plus £1.50 for postage and packing from Neil Robson, 119 Heythorp Street, London SW18 5BT or by emailing ngrobson@tiscali.co.uk. Cheques payable to ‘Wandsworth Historical Society’, please.

October 11, 2013