Community Supports Light Up A Life For Trinity

Over 1000 attended two carol services to remember their loved ones

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This year, along with its annual Light up a Life service in Clapham, Trinity held an inaugural service at St Mary the Boltons Church, Kensington. The two evenings allowed even more people from across Trinity’s community to attend the special celebrations.

Each service featured readings from a variety of Trinity staff, trustees and special guests. Readers included actress Geraldine James, and author Marion Coutts, who read an extract from her book The Iceberg about spending Christmas at Trinity with her husband and son, when her husband was being cared for by Trinity.

After the services guests were treated to mince pies kindly donated by Waitrose Clapham Junction and Sainsbury’s Nine Elms and Clapham High Street and wine kindly donated by Davy’s Wine Merchants.

Trinity’s Light up a Life Christmas Appeal hopes to raise £50,000 to fund a Trinity nurse for a year, and a collection was taken at both services to help reach this target. So far £45,000 has been raised - enough to fund a Trinity nurse for 11 months.

Trinity’s nurses care for almost 2,000 people every year either in Trinity’s inpatient centre or wherever they call home. This care is completely free, so Trinity must raise £7 million every year to continue its work.

Trinity would like to thank St Mary’s Roman Catholic School choir, Helios Soloists and the London Concert Choir for their fantastic performances at Light up a Life, Christmas Trees Clapham and everyone who attended these special events and has donated to the appeal so far.

December 17, 2014