A Merry Christmas Message

An update from SuperCylingMan on his "7 Continents World Cycle"

Related links

Is it a bird? is it a plane? No it is Supercyclingman

Brandlehow Primary Teacher To Cycle Round The World Over 6 Years





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SuperCyclingMan, is the alter ego of Will Hodson or Mr Hodson as he is better known to the children at the Brandlehow Primary School he taught at in Putney.

He is pedalling round the planet for many reasons, including: to raise £100,000 for charity, to educate children about the world and to encourage children and adults to be more active and get on their bikes.


Christmas is a SUPER busy time of year, so I’m breaking away from the normal monthly newsletter, as I just want to say three things:

1) HAPPY CHRISTMAS from me…and Dave…and ‘The Beast’ (the bike)

2) Please watch this video about the world cycle so far! (It took 6 months to make and lasts only 6 minutes):

3) Please buy a postcard (or 7!) in my new SuperCrowdfunding campaign

I’ve currently got about enough money to get me to India, but no further than that. I’ve just launched a Super crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo to keep the adventure going. You can buy a really unique set of postcards - one from each continent I will get to. You can even have your name and personal message written on one of my bike bags if you like.

Please can you help me find just one person who might want a set of postcards from me for their home/family/office and help this crowdfunding campaign keep my dream alive of cycling around the world?

The campaign will run until the end of January. Once each reward has run out, that’s it! So, be quick!

You can buy a postcard and see all the SuperRewards on offer on my crowdfunding page at:


SUPER BIG THANKS for all your support so far on this 100,000km 7 Continents World Cycle.

I’m setting off from Istanbul on 20th December with as many Turkish cycling superheroes as I can muster. I’ve got to get across Turkey before the middle of January when my visa runs out. It’s going to be “hilly and chilly”, but I can’t wait to get back on the bike again.

Have a SUPER Christmas!

- Will, Dave and ‘The Beast’.

P.S Early Christmas cracker joke: What is Spiderman’s favourite month? Web-ruary! (tumble weed)

December 15, 2015