One Continent Down Six More To Go

An update from SuperCylingMan on his "7 Continents World Cycle"

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Is it a bird? is it a plane? No it is Supercyclingman

Brandlehow Primary Teacher To Cycle Round The World Over 6 Years


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SuperCyclingMan, is the alter ego of Will Hodson or Mr Hodson as he is better known to the children at the Brandlehow Primary School he taught at in Putney.

He is pedalling round the planet for many reasons, including: to raise £100,000 for charity, to educate children about the world and to encourage children and adults to be more active and get on their bikes.


Distance cycled this month:
from Vienna (Austria) to Skopje (Macedonia): 1585 km
Total distance covered so far: 8152 km
Number of countries visited: 14
14 (England, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey)

Number of schools visited/spoken to online: 13

Bananas eaten: 249

Different houses slept in:
63 (thank you friends, complete strangers and WarmShowers and Couchsurfing people!)

Different places wild camped:
49 (favourite = a beach in Greece)

Strangest place slept in:
football changing room

Maximum speed:
81kmh (50mph)

Weight of bike and bags:

My weight in Istanbul:

My weight in UK:

Number of punctures: 0 - ("Schwalbe tyres, I LOVE you!")

Charity fundraising total: £11,884.87

SuperCyclingMan wristbands sold: 537

Interesting food and drink: while I’m in Turkey I’ve been told I have to try some lamb intestines (kokoreç) or tripe soup. Yum! For the moment though I’m sticking to the çorba (vegetable soup) and kebabs, but I know it’s only a matter of time before I need to practise what I preach of “trying something new every day”.

Things I have been given: a ridiculous number of items of food and drink, places to stay, directions, some super generous donations to help keep the adventure going, honks from traffic (mostly supportive), countless high 5s and smiles, two wooly hats, a jar of homemade pepper spread, 5 bags of chilli peppers, a home-made massage brush made of goose feathers, 1 amazing bike service (thank you Shimano!), 1 spontaneous bike repair in a bike shop in France (merci beaucoup), a tube of insect bite cream, a mini tube of toothpaste, a tube of suncream, a tube of Voltarol, 2 cinema tickets, 2 hotel rooms, a mobile phone holder, a pair of sunglasses, a pair of socks, 4 bike caps, 2 reflective bands, 3 rubber bracelets, 2 complete football strips from Parma F.C, a bottle of Ouzo, a smiley face bike bell, a Serbian flag, a customised SuperCyclingMan cupcake, a river tour in Rotterdam, a small wooden lucky charm…and a necklace, that I’m now wearing… I’ve never worn a necklace in my life… until now.

And this was just Europe! Will still has Asia, Australia, North America, South America, Africa and Antarctica to go!

Will told Dave the worm and I made it to Istanbul! So that’s continent number 1 (Europe) DONE! Only 6 more continents to go now! Time to take things easy for a bit and enjoy some time off the bike in this incredibly vibrant city. Time to let all the wonderful things soak in from the last few months cycling across Europe. Time also to get things ready for a hilly and chilly ride across continent number 2 that I have decided will be…..
DRUMROLL… … ASIA! ... or as I will be calling this next part of the adventure:
"From Turkey to Tokyo!"

Help SuperCyclingMan raise funds by buying a wristband:
Each SuperCyclingMan wristband costs £1, plus a bit to cover the postage costs. 50p of that goes to the company who made the wristbands, 25p helps keep Will fed and watered as he pedals around the planet, the other 25p is split between the five incredibly charities that he is supporting with his 7 Continents World Cycle.

Buy your SuperCyclingMan wristband here.

WATCH THE VIDEO about the plan to break a record for the 1st person ever to cycle across all 7 continents.


November 26, 2015