21st November Is 'Heroes Night' In Putney

SuperCyclingMan invites you to an inspirational fun evening

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SuperCyclingMan, is the alter ego of Will Hodson or Mr Hodson as he is better known to the children at the Brandlehow Primary School he teaches at in Putney.

Is it a bird? is it a plane?
No it is Supercyclingman

He is pedalling round the planet for many reasons, including: to raise £100,000 for charity, to educate children about the world and to encourage children and adults to be more active and get on their bikes.

To increase awareness and raise much need fund he has organised Heroes Night! On the night you will find:
  • 6 inspirational speakers will each tell stories from around the world. These people have RUN, SWUM, CYCLED, ROWED even DANCED across countries and entire continents. Each speaker has 10 minutes with 5 minutes questions at the end
  • FREE drinks reception
  • FREE popcorn
  • Hot food (chicken orvegetable curry) available to buy, as well as wine, beer, cider and soft drinks
  • A raffle with some pretty super prizes

Tickets are £15 each (plus a small booking fee) if you buy them before midnight on November 14th. £20 plus booking fee after that.

50% of the proceeds from the evening will go to the 5 charities Will is raising £100,000 for with his world cycle home.supercyclingman.com/world-ride/the-charities/

The other 50% of the evening’s proceeds will go towards helping hisworld cycle get off the ground in April 2015.

Will told PutneySW15: " It should be a really fun night, raising loads of money for charity and it will also help to raise some of the funds I need to finally get my world cycle started next year. It may even inspire you to make your own bucket list or fire you up to start ticking things off one you have already made or maybe even add another great idea to it! Everyone’s a winner! Or as you might hear me say on the night: “We Can All Be Heroes!” "

Friends, randoms, EVERYONE is very welcome, so please forward, share, tag, GO WILD with passing on this invitation!


October 31, 2014