Sudan Baby Feeding Centre Appeal 2011 | |||
Roehampton Society of St Vincent de Paul encourages residents to help stop babies dying
Who has not heard of Darfur and the famine in East Africa? As some of you may know, Sudan has voted democratically to divide into North & South and the SVP is present in both. Also; there is a disastrous famine afflicting neighbouring Somalia and Ethiopia. Now you probably know someone and are wondering what to buy them as a gift this Christmas. Perhaps they already have all of the material things that they need. How about the gift of life? A gift of £50 should, I emphasise should because of inflation, feed one baby for a whole year at one of our centres and we can give you a certificate to dedicate and give to the people or person you are thinking of.
One of the aims of the SVP has always been to help or enable people to help themselves. With support from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent during the past year, SVP members in Sudan have started education and training for over 1,000 Sudanese people to give them the skills that are in demand and needed for paid employment. We fully realise that money is tight and the current cost of feed for a whole year may be beyond the means of many. We are therefore asking you to consider giving whatever you can. Remember that less than 14 pence will sustain a baby or infant for a day so every penny really does count. To ensure you receive your gift certificate in time to post for Christmas, please respond as soon as possible and at the latest by 11th December. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE INNOCENT LIVES...PLEASE TAKE IT. You can do so online at Roland Gilmore November 22, 2011 |