Local Composers Support Macmillan Cancer Support

‘Songcircle’ an evening of music for voice and piano

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On Saturday 11 April two local composers will take part in a concert of new music to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. Putney resident Cedric Peachey and Wandsworth resident Bernard Hughes will be two of the five composers, friends as well as colleagues, coming together as ‘Songcircle’ for an evening of music for voice and piano, performed by highly respected musicians Felicity Hayward (soprano) and Catherine Herriott (piano).

The programme features a number of world premieres including Peachey’s song-cycle Into my heart an air that kills, and Bernard Hughes’s Songs of Lost Love. Other pieces include setting of French, Spanish and Japanese poetry from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.

The concert will be at St Mary Magdalene Parish Church, Munster Square, NW1 3PL London at 7.30pm on Saturday 11 April. Tickets are £10 (£5 concessions) and available from orpheus@dsl.pipex.com or on the door. All proceeds will be going to Macmillan Cancer Relief, supporting their outstanding work with cancer sufferers and their families.


March 24, 2015