Dick Whittington at the Old Sorting Office, Barnes

17th - 20th December

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49 Station Road
SW13 0LF

Thurs 17th and Fri 18th 7.30pm

Sat 19th and Sun 20th 2.30pm and 6pm

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Come early to enjoy Dick’s Fantastical Emporium where you can spend your Panto Pounds (inc in kids ticket price)on a variety of stalls including glow-in-the-dark jewellery, temporary tattoos, face painting, tuck shop and much more.

Adults £10 (incl complimentary mulled wine and mince pies)

Children under 12 £8 (includes Panto Pounds to spend in Dick’s Fantastical Emporium)

Family of 4 £32
Tickets in advance only www.ticketsource.co.uk/osoarts or at the OSO Arts Centre www.osoarts.org.uk

October 1, 2015

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