Have fun & test your brain cells whilst raising funds for the Osteopathic Centre for Children
The OCC (registered charity 1003934) is based in Point Pleasant in Wandsworth provides osteopathic treatment to children and mothers on a not-for-profit basis. No-one is refused treatment, even if they cannot afford to pay. They treat children with a variety of conditions from colic to cerebral palsy.
A spokesperson for OCC said:
" Monitoring of our service has revealed that 76% of patient's parents noticed an improvement in their child's condition or their own condition. Last year the OCC delivered over 15,000 treatments, corresponding to 59 patients being treated every day."
To raise funds and have some fun they have arranged a quiz night (with teams of up to 6 people) including a buffet and prizes will be held on Friday 3rd October at Community Church Putney, Werter Road, Putney, SW15 2LL.
Time: 7.30pm – 10pm.
Cost: £10 per person (all proceeds to the OCC).
For tickets: Email Clive Gerner clive.gerner@occ.uk.com or call 020 8875 5293.
Osteopathy uses touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage to diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions related to the musculoskeletal system. Osteopathy is regulated by UK Government statute and is well-integrated into mainstream medicine as required by the General Osteopathic Council code of practice. Osteopaths both make and receive referrals to and from GPs. In the UK, 30,000 treatments are given daily.
Osteopathy is not readily available to those on low incomes since most osteopaths work in private practice, and only small proportion work within the NHS. As such, 89% of treatments are paid for directly by patients in private practice and typically cost between £35 - £50, which many people cannot afford.
The OCC has achieved its aim by becoming an internationally recognised centre of learning offering postgraduate training in paediatric osteopathy to already qualified osteopaths. During their training, qualified osteopaths are required to provide treatments for free at the OCC, in addition to working in their private practice.
The main OCC clinic is in Point Pleasant, Wandsworth. The clinic is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday and an outreach clinic in Shoreditch is open on Thursday. The OCC offers diagnosis, treatment and, where appropriate, referral to specialists within the NHS. On Tuesday’s, OCC osteopaths work with staff in the neo-natal unit of High Barnet Hospital.
The OCC treats a variety of conditions which include respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary hypoplasia, Jeune syndrome and rhizomelia. Although osteopathy cannot cure conditions such as Cerebral Palsy or Rett syndrome, it focuses on making them manageable which is of huge significance to affected families.
September 9, 2014