Three Wandsworth Councillors Awarded

Featured in the Queen's New Year Honour List 2016

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Three local councillors have received awards in the Queens New Year Honour List for 2016.

Councillor Kathy Tracey, Cabinet Member for Education and Children's Services at Wandsworth Borough Council has been recognised for services to Local Government. She represents Wandsworth Common ward on the Council.

Councillor Kathy Tracey

Councillor Kathy Tracey

Marie Hanson who represents Queenstown ward for the Conservatives received an MBE for services to Young People and to Survivors of Abused women in Wandsworth.

Marie Hanson

Marie Hanson

Martin Johnson who represents Northcote ward for the Conservatives also received an MBE for services to Local Government. He is Wandsworth’s longest serving councillor and was first elected in 1968 at the age of 21.

Martin Johnson

Martin Johnson

Wandsworth Council leader Ravi Govindia has congratulated his colleagues. He said:
“I’m absolutely delighted for Marie, Kathy and Martin. All three of them have been a hugely positive force in our local community for many years and have made a profound difference to so many of our residents’ lives. Wandsworth is a better place thanks to their efforts and we owe them all a great debt of thanks. They thoroughly deserve the recognition our country has given them today.”

December 31, 2015

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