Wandsworth MS Society Looking For Volunteers

Come to the recruitment meeting on 27th May

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After 51 years of proud service to people with Multiple Sclerosis in the borough, the Wandsworth Branch of the MS Society is in urgent need of new volunteers.

We are therefore inviting anyone who might be interested in volunteering with us to attend a Volunteer Recruitment Open Meeting on Tuesday 27th May from 6pm to 8pm at the Fitzjohn Room, Earlsfield Library.

Come along and meet the present team, enjoy a glass of wine and some nibbles, and hear about our volunteering opportunities.
These include:
Assistant Treasurer (with a view to taking over);
support (welfare) assistants;
membership secretary;
information officer;
mailing monthly newsletter and birthday cards;
running the 100 Club (monthly draw).

Just come along on the evening, or for more information ring 020 8874 4373.

Registered charity nos. 1139257/SC041990
Registered as a company in England and Wales 07451571


May 20, 2014