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Bid for VIP hospitality and raise funds for CharityStars

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Auction closes 19:00 on August 19, 2015.


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Fans of Fulham Football Club can watch a home match in style this season – by bidding for a unique hospitality package at the side’s Craven Cottage stadium on the banks of the River Thames.

GP Management has donated a VIP hospitality package for four people in the Directors’ Lounge to online charity marketplace CharityStars.

All proceeds will go to The Prince’s Trust, which supports 13 to 30 year olds who are unemployed and those struggling at school and at risk of exclusion.

The successful bidder and three friends will also enjoy a pre-match tour of Fulham’s famous southwest London home and have the opportunity for their photograph to be taken in the dugout.

For further information, and to bid, please visit:

The auction closes at 19:00 on August 19, 2015.

CharityStars was founded in 2014 with a passion and aim to change the non-profit sector and continue its mission to help charities raise money. Since launching, more than 200 global celebrities have chosen to work with CharityStars including Lionel Messi, James Blunt, Sara Cox, David Coulthard and Sir Bobby Charlton, plus over 120 non-for-profit organisations, such as Save the Children and Oxfam. Last year Berkeley University named the company as one of the most “impacting Social Enterprises globally"

August 13, 2015