Concerned About Air Quality?

The council invites you to have your say

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You are invited to a meeting to discuss the Air Quality Action Plan. You can download the draft plan from the council website.

The council recently held a meeting with community groups regarding the draft Air Quality Action Plan 2015. The council believe that the meeting was well-received and useful, and now it would like to organise another so other people can attend.

The session will include information on:

  • Understanding air pollution and its known health effects
  • What you can do to protect yourself
  • How the council developed the draft plan
  • A question and answer session.

The meeting will be on Thursday July 23 from 7.30 pm - 9.30 pm at the Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street.

If you would like to go, email by Monday July 20.

If the do not get enough responses by noon on Monday July 20, the meeting will not go ahead. The council will send an email out by 5pm on July 20 confirming whether or not the meeting is happening.

You can also provide feedback on the council website using the online questionnaire or email your comments. The deadline for comments is August 5.

Or write to the council at:

Draft Air Quality Action Plan Consultation,
David Kennett, Team Leader (Environmental Initiatives)
Wandsworth Council
Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
London SW18 2PU

July 14, 2015