Bigger Better Boat For 2015

150 seater boat expected to be launched on Putney riverbus service

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Record Year For River Bus Service

Thames Clippers

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Passengers on the increasingly popular riverbus service between Putney and Blackfriars could soon enjoy a better journey after it emerged that the operators are set to launch a brand new boat on the route next year.

Thames Clippers has already seen passenger numbers increase by more than 130 per cent since it re-launched its Putney service in April 2013.

As demand has increased more services have been added to the timetable with some boats now travelling direct to Canary Wharf.

Journey times from Putney to central London are now just over 40 minutes and unlike other public transport options the boats have coffee shops on-board and free wi-fi.

The company will be investing in a range of enhancements to its service – thought to include a new 150 seat boat for the RB6 Putney to Blackfriars route.

A new commercial tie in between the company and credit card provider MBNA means additional funds will be available to fund new investment.

As well as Putney Pier, passengers can also catch the riverbus at Wandsworth Riverside Quarter and the town hall is using its planning powers to secure new passenger piers at Plantation Wharf and Battersea Power Station.

Transport spokesman Cllr Jonathan Cook said: “This investment promises great news for public transport provision in the borough. Growing numbers of people are switching to the riverbus service which is why this additional investment is so welcome. Bigger and better boats with more facilities will make this a much more attractive option for commuters and help ease pressure on other forms of public transport.”

Sean Collins, Co-founder and CEO of Thames Clippers said:
“In our fifteenth year of serving London’s commuters and visitors I’m delighted we have a new organisation on board. The relationship with MBNA will help Thames Clippers expand our service by growing our fleet and ensure we contribute to the Mayor’s ambitious passenger growth targets for the Thames.”

For more information about the riverbus service, including routes, fares and ticketing visit

September 5, 2014