Conservatives Retain Southfields Seat

But Labour vote increased by 18 points

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Kim Caddy 

Tory candidate Kim Caddy topped the poll with 1,841 votes and has now been elected to serve on Wandsworth Council. Labour's Josh Kaile came second with 1,511 votes.

The full list of results are:

Kim Caddy (Conservative) 1,841
Josh Kaile (Labour) 1,511
John Munro (Lib Dem) 220
Bruce Mackenzie (Green) 100
Strachan McDonald (UKIP) 40
Mohammed Abid (Independent) 38
The turnout in yesterday's ballot was 30.6%.

Labour votes increased and Cllr Rex Osborn, Leader of the Labour Group in Wandsworth Council said:

“I am pleased to see that Labour supporters in Southfields turned out to support a great local candidate, and this shows we are a real presence in Wandsworth. There is a clear appetite for change, and Labour will be building on this in coming elections."

The by-election was held following the resignation of former councillor Lucy Allan.

April 2, 2012